Sunday, 22 August 2010

How you like Indian baby boy name "Ahan" ?

not at all, sorry

How you like Indian baby boy name "Ahan" ?
Jaykumar,before I answer your question, let me make something very clear so that you can detect any bias/logic in my thoughts...I named my son Ahan about 4 years ago and I've living in the UK since the last couple of years when he started nursery and non-Indians started using his name for the first time...till date it has never been mis-pronounced and chances of that happening is tough now...even his 4 year old playmates get it right go ahead if you've made up your mind. It means "sunrise" in sanskrit.
Reply:ah-no not in America it is hard enough for kids in school without giving them a name that is so radically different than other kids around another country it probably is ok not here ,good luck.
Reply:Check for names startig with 'A'

Good Luck.
Reply:Na,if u live in America,he should have an American name.

its bad enough that we have to learn Spanish in schools...
Reply:It makes me think of - "Ah hah".... as if you found something. Poor kid.

1 comment:

pooja luthra said...

Ahan is really is a very good Indian name.

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